"Eressou House," papercut shadow sculpture, 2019
"Areos Carnival," papercut shadow sculpture, 2019.
"Tositsa House," papercut shadow sculpture, 2019
"Zaimi Chairs," papercut shadow sculpture, 2019.
"Hydra Cats," carousel book, 2019.
"Many Moons," carousel book, 2019.
"Many Moons," carousel book, 2019.
"Many Moons," carousel book, 2019.
"Exarchia Doors," carousel book, 2019.
"Exarchia Doors," carousel book, 2019.
"Heroes of the Revolution," carousel book, 2019.
"Heroes of the Revolution," carousel book, 2019.
Sketchbook Page, Athens, Greece, 2019.
Sketchbook Page, Athens, Greece, 2019.
Sketchbook Page, Athens, Greece, 2019.
Sketchbook page, Hydra, Greece, 2019.