Fine art by Jen Swearington 2000- 2004.
"Good Humor." 2001, 34"h x 24"w, collection of Savannah College of Art and Design
"Kitty Hawk (Season of the Shark)," 2004. 41"h x 34"w, collection of artist
"Upstairs," 2000. 49"h x 46"w, private collection
Detail, "Upstairs"
"Barrel Fever," 22"h x 21"w, private collection
""Fleur de Lis," 2003. 21"h x 24"w, private collection
"Car Ride," 2003. 13"h x 12" w, private collection
"Bear and For Bear," 2003. 13"h x 12"w, private collection
"Lake County." 2003. 13"h x 12" w, private collection
"Bluebell" 2003. 13"h x 12" w, private collection
"Banana Cake," 2002. 24"h x 29"w, private collection
"Va Vroom." 2000. 48"h x 35" w, private collection
"The Zipper," 2000. 30"h x 44" w, private collection
"Bee Bop," 13"h x 12"w, 2001
"Living in the Carolinas," 2000. 13"h x 12" w, private collection
"Home, Jeeves," 2001, 38"h x 30"w, collection of Savannah College of Art and Design
Detail, "Home, Jeeves"
"Centennial," 49"h x 46"w, 2003, private collection
Detail, "Centennial"
"Midwesterner," 49"h x 45"w, 2004, private collection
Detail, "Midwesterner"
"Nestbuilder," 36"h x 24"w, 2004. Collection of Savannah College of Art and Design.
Detail, "Nestbuilder"
"Self Help," 2002 (quilted 2008). 46"h x 44"w, private collection